Booking information
First time visitors
Please ensure you have read our terms and conditions. (click on the link above)
First time visitors should book online, using the First Time Visitor Introduction booking tab/page and selecting either The Paddock or The Coppice areas. This will enable David or Isaac to meet you at the entrance to explain the access security and show you the park and its facilities.
Once you have completed your introduction visit you will have details of the access arrangements for your booking and so will be able to make the bookings you require and access the park without needing to be accompanied.
Children are welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult (18+) and must not be left alone anywhere on the premises. (car park, walkway, Paddock or Coppice)
Individual bookings
Bookings can be made for individual customer (ie; 1 person / a family)
Sessions are booked for either 30mins or an hour and up to 6 dogs. Please contact us if you wish to bring more than 6 dogs for your visit.
The booking time runs from the stated time of your booking until 5 minutes before your end time to allow you to vacate the secure area and return to your car safely. This is to allow safe cross over between customers bookings and their dogs, which has been requested by those with more timid dogs.
Please book multiple slots if you want a longer time.
Visitors from different households wishing to come together to meet up should make a single booking relative to the number of dogs. Please respect all covid-19 restrictions in force by the government at the time of your booking.
Dog Walkers
Professional dog walkers are welcome to book either The Paddock or The Coppice subject to the terms and conditions and dog number limits.
Dog Trainers
Professional dog trainers are welcome to use either The Paddock or The Coppice to run scheduled and individual dog training classes. Please contact us directly for pricing and booking, or by using the Dog Trainer booking enquiry tabs.
Dog events and parties
Events and doggie birthday parties can be arranged by special appointment, and subject to covid restrictions. Please contact us directly for pricing and booking, or by using the events booking tab.